How to Choose the Correct Building Materials for Dormers from Log Cabin Home Builders

Dormers are an excellent way to create more space and functionality for your log home cabin. These roof structures bring more light and ventilation into the home and increase its curb appeal. However, if you want to add dormers to your building plans, you will need to know how to choose the best building materials. Here is advice from log cabin home builders on how to choose the correct building materials for dormers.

Solid Log/Timber

Many log cabin home builders love the advantages solid log/timber dormers can provide. These environmentally friendly structures are strong and durable to last many generations. Solid log walls are more energy-efficient and less likely to spread fire than wood frame walls. 


Framed/sided dormers can be affordable and easy to build compared to other options.

Common choices for exterior siding for dormers popular with log cabin home builders include cedar shake, board and batten, and matching log or timber. Cedar shake roofing and siding from log cabin home builders provide exceptional beauty and durability.  All of these options can be aesthetically pleasing and provide a change-up of materials that compliment the logs in the remaining structure.  It also provides an excellent tie-in to other structures on the property such as a garage, pump house or storage building that has siding matching that used on the dormers.

Interior Finish

When it comes to the interior finish of dormers for your home, many log cabin home builders choose either wood paneling or drywall. Common choices for a wood finish include matching log/timber or tongue and groove paneling. If you want a uniform look that matches the exterior, matching log/timber can be a smart choice. The wood finish can be used with flooring, walls and ceilings. If you plan to use timber in wet areas such as the kitchen or bathroom, you will want to apply a waterproof finish to the wood. 

Tongue and groove paneling can provide a beautiful aesthetic look, but it can be tricky to install. The pieces can be difficult to straighten out, so they align with each other, which can cause issues with secure joints. To avoid any exposed unfinished exposed areas at the joints as the boards season it is best to finish the boards before installation. If repairs are needed in the future, it can be more expensive to remove the damaged paneling. If you are considering a tongue and groove interior finish, you may want to leave the work in the hands of experienced log home cabin builders.

Expert Log Home Cabin Builders You Can Trust

Dormers supply greater functionality to your log cabin home.  It is important to make a weather tight connection to the logs.  The type of building materials you choose will depend on the climate you live in and your overall budget. The expert log cabin home builders at Sierra Log & Timber can recommend the best building materials for dormers with your dream home. With over 25 years of experience building log homes nationwide, you can have peace of mind that your home has been built to last for many generations. Call to schedule a design consultation today. 

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