Choosing the Right Decking Materials for Custom Log Homes

One of the most appealing areas of custom log homes is outdoor space. Depending on the owner’s needs, the decking materials chosen will vary to meet those unique parameters. Here are the most common decking materials and how they are used on custom log homes.

Pressure Treated Lumber

Pressure-treated lumber is a very popular decking material choice in custom log homes. In fact, nationally, around 75% of new construction uses this type of material. HemFir is the most common wood used for pressure-treated lumber and is chemically treated to ward off insect infestations and rot. This option is less expensive than other options, but it also requires more maintenance. Pressure-treated decks should be pressure washed annually and have wood preservatives reapplied every two years.  In the western states pressure-treated lumber is seldom used due to the inferior appearance and maintenance required.  It is not used by Sierra Log & Timber due to inferior appearance.

Natural Lumber

Redwood and red cedar are very common materials used in custom log home decking. These materials are harvested in western states, making them an excellent choice for custom log homes in those areas. If you live further east, expect to pay more for these materials due to shipping costs. The attractive feature of natural lumber is that it is resistant to both rot and insects, making it a solid choice for custom log homes. Natural wood decks should be pressure washed regularly and resealed every 4-5 years.

Composite Materials

Composite materials are a rapidly growing choice for custom log homes. Composite decking can be made from plastics or can be made from a mixture of wood fibers and plastics to give the material a more natural finish and look. Composite decking may cost a bit more than natural wood materials, but they can last around 50 years, making this material more cost-effective in the long run. This material also requires less maintenance since they never have to be refinished, making it a great option for custom log homes.


Most people would not consider aluminum as a viable alternative for custom log home decking, but it’s true! Aluminum is lighter and stronger than wood or composite, is resistant to weathering, insect infestations, and rot, and is also recyclable should you change your mind in the future. Although aluminum is the most expensive choice on our list, since it will last forever, it will pay for itself  over the lifespan of your custom log home, if you own it or live long enough.


Concrete may also be considered a more unorthodox choice for custom log home decking, and can add a modern look to custom log homes that add to curb appeal. In addition, since concrete can get hot in direct sun, it may be a good choice for a patio underneath a balcony or roof covering. Concrete is especially attractive if included in a pool surround or other outdoor entertaining area.


When paired with custom log homes, stone patios can expand on the natural feel of the log home, making the home feel truly a part of the natural surroundings. In addition, Bluestone is naturally slip-resistant, making it a safe choice for pool areas or if your custom log home is located in an area that experiences frequent rainfall.

Expert Custom Log Home Decking Advice

With so many decking options, it can seem impossible to make the right choice. Sierra Log & Timber can help you wade through the options and design the perfect deck for your custom log home. Our team has over 25 years of combined experience in the custom log home industry, and you can trust that you will receive the best advice and the highest quality service. Call to schedule a consultation today.

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