5 Good Questions about Building a Log Home Answered
There are many things to consider before you begin the construction of your new dream home. Building a log home is a highly involved process that can create snags if you are inexperienced. Asking questions can ensure your building project exceeds your expectations. Many customers have had questions and concerns when coming to Sierra Log & Timber for help in building a dream home. Here are the answers to five common questions about building a log home that Sierra Log & Timber commonly receives.
What Are Log Profiles?
The term log profile can create confusion and questions about building a log home. A log profile simply refers to log shape. Some logs can be round, rectangular or a combination, flat on one side and round on the other, commonly referred to as a Dlog as it resembles the letter D when viewed from the end.. These logs are typically adorned with hand-hewn or hand-peeled surfaces to make them even more attractive. The log profile you choose will affect how your dream home will look.
How Important is the Moisture Content of the Logs?
As a general rule, the moisture content of the logs used to build your home is crucial for preventing unnecessary future challenges. The logs delivered to your construction should contain 15% to 20% moisture content in the center, not the outer one inch of the logs. This can help minimize the amount of settling and shrinkage that can occur after your home is built. That is true if your log home is not built using incense cedar logs, which do not shrink, twist or check as much as other wood species, no matter what the moisture content. At Sierra Log and Timber we use only incense cedar logs for the walls of all homes.
What Wood Should Be Used for Building a Log Home?
Another one of the biggest questions about building a log home involves choosing the right wood to use. Quality wood selection is critical for the aesthetics and maintenance of your dream home. If you desire great insulation capabilities, cedar has the highest R-value compared to other types of wood. You may want to inquire about the number of predictable cracks expected based on the wood species selected. It is common knowledge that cedar is more resistant to mold, fungus and insect infestation. Also, obtain guidance of the proper stain to use for your home based on the wood species selected.
How Do I Choose a Log Home Floor Plan That is Right for Me?
This is one of the most common questions about building a log home that Sierra Log & Timber has received. Many people who desire to start building a log home may only have a vague notion of the type of layout and style for their new building project. Before you think about selecting a floor plan, carefully consider certain features you must have in your new dream home. This includes the number of bedrooms and bathrooms or special rooms for a home office or workout room. Do you prefer an open floor plan for commonly used areas, or do you want to separate each room?
The correct home design does three things: 1. Meets your needs, 2. Functions property on the property, 3. Can be built within your budget. When reasonably possible, we like to meet with you at your property at the initial stage of refining your home design to assess all conditions at the site. This improves our ability to help you create the perfect home design that meets all three criteria most economically.
How Much Does Building a Log Home Cost?
One of the biggest questions about building a log home involves the overall price tag. The cost of building a log home can vary depending on many factors. The primary ones are home design, amount of deck/porch, garage, log profile, topography at the building site, utility service costs, interior finish selection, location of the build and level of homeowner participation.
In addition, you will need to purchase the land and prepare the construction site for building. This may include clearing the site, leveling the site, drilling a well, installing a septic system, bringing power to the site, hooking up to municipal utilities, and installing a driveway. When you build with Sierra Log & Timber, the designers can give you an estimate of the costs necessary to prepare to build as well as the cost of building the home
Expert Answers to Your Questions About Building a Log Home
When it comes to building your dream home, it helps to get as much expert advice as possible to minimize problems in the future. There are answers to just 5 common questions To get more answers or to discuss your particular set of circumstances, the expert team at Sierra Log &Timber can help. With over 30 years of experience designing and building homes across the United States, you can rely on our designers and engineers for the resources you need. Contact Sierra Log & Timber today to obtain answers to your additional questions leading to the process of designing the log home that is perfect for you.