The Secrets Behind Log Home Living Vs. Traditional Living

It doesn’t matter if you’re in the planning stages of building a new home or buying one that’s already been lived in and loved, log home living can be incredibly appealing. So many things in life look great in theory, though, only to be a living nightmare in practice. When it comes to what’s likely to be one of the biggest and most important investments in your portfolio, it pays to do your homework so you can make an informed decision. Read on to learn more about two of your options!

Why Luxury Log Home Living is Different From a Traditional House

Comparing and contrasting options before choosing the one that’s right for you is essential to the human experience. This applies to the biggest decisions, like how and where to live, all the way down to little things like the brand of soda you prefer or your favorite fragrance. 

Some decisions are about more than just personal preference, like the type of home you buy or build. When you’re weighing your options between log home living and a more traditional stick-built home, it’s important to understand that, like anything else, both come with pros and cons. 

  • Appearance– While judging people based on their looks is never good, a house is different. How it looks matters not just because of aesthetic value for both daily living and resale reasons, but those aren’t the only things to consider. Homeowners’ associations, for instance, exist largely to enforce uniformity in looks and quality across an entire neighborhood. That means a subdivision full of stick-built houses may outright ban log homes because they will stick out like the proverbial sore thumb. On the other hand, building in a more natural, less aggressively manicured area means your log home will blend in better with its natural surroundings for a sense of luxurious tranquility.
  • Maintenance  – It doesn’t matter what phase of life you’re currently in; time and energy are likely both at a premium. Log home living requires you to be on the ball when it comes to exterior maintenance in a different way than stick-built homes, especially in terms of preventing mildew and moisture damage to the logs themselves. These maintenance requirements aren’t typically strenuous or overwhelming, just different from the ones you may be accustomed to if you have lived exclusively in stick-built homes in the past. 
  • Environmental Impact– People who love log home living and the aesthetic that comes with it also tend to enjoy the great outdoors. To enjoy nature, it must be protected, something log home living fosters a bit more readily than the construction process for stick-built homes. Logs are renewable resources, unlike plastic-based vinyl siding, but that’s not the only environmentally friendly bonus. The thermal mass of logs lends an extra layer of natural insulation, which can help to cut down on heating and cooling costs. 
  • Timelines – If you’re building your home, it’s understandable that you’d want access to your new digs as quickly as possible. It is entirely possible to break into log home living on your terms with custom kits designed expressly for you and tailored to the unique needs of your household. Log cabin kits can get you in the door faster, but you’re not limited to prefabricated stock plans when you choose the right provider. 

Learning More About Log Home Living

Are you ready to learn more about log home living to determine whether it’s right for you and your family? The experts at Sierra Log & Timber are standing by to provide the answers you seek and help you get on the path to your dream home faster, more efficiently, and cost-effectively than you ever expected. 

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